Need-Music – A summer love
Bernhard Flieher - Salzburger Nachrichten (12 July 2008)

Songs that stay stuck in your mind just crop up in your life - like falling in love. There’s no warning - it suddenly happens. With no thought of tomorrow. Unexpectedly. Without reason. Without pain. And without any concern about letting the world just disappear for a few hours. Because falling in love with music has something to do with letting the world turn by for a few minutes, for a few songs. But love can be followed by disappointment, whereas songs have the great advantage of being free of any aftertaste. There’s music that’s good to start with, but soon loses its importance. It gets put back into the CD rack and remains there forgotten for a long time – or for eternity (but what is eternity in this age when eternity has no longer any meaning?). But the minute the music is turned on, the moment it totally grabs you, you start raving and saying things like "the summer has been saved". The fact that we are talking about falling completely in love is all to do with the music that is going to be presented in two weeks time by the Flemish theatre group Needcompany during their guest performance at the Salzburg Festival. The accompanying music for "Das Hirschhaus", to be performed on the Perner Island in Hallein, has been available on the web for some time. Bite by bite – as is usual in these fast-living download times – the songs were served. And everything will be available on CD in time for the first night. It is just wonderful pop music, coming out of nirvana. Who would think that in such bleak times as now, when the wives of state presidents storm the charts with hollow voices and pop songs degraded to jingles become a cause of noise pollution, a theatre group could throw out a life-belt? In the last few months, there has been little justification for falling head over heels in love with any pop-song. But the Needcompany musicians present all at once a number of reasons for believing in the power of pop music as a poetic and socio-political movement. These few songs, all finely tuned and full of emotion, just feel good – without being ingratiating. The way they tell of those ultimate things in life, dying and loving, longing and disappointment, just means that nothing more can go wrong this summer!

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