All the Good
© Maarten Vanden Abeele

Text, direction, set Jan Lauwers
Music Maarten Seghers
With Grace Ellen Barkey, Romy Louise Lauwers, Victor Lauwers, Jan Lauwers, Inge Van Bruystegem (replaces Sarah Lutz), Benoît Gob, Elik Niv, Jules Beckman, Simon Lenski, Maarten Seghers (replaces Yonier Camilo Mejia), George van Dam (replaces Elke Janssens)
Costumes Lot Lemm
Dramaturgy Elke Janssens
Lighting Design Ken Hioco, Jan Lauwers
Sound Ditten Lerooij
Production Management Marjolein Demey
Technical director, set Ken Hioco
Masks Lot Lemm, Benoît Gob 
Assistant technical director Tijs Michiels
Stage assistant Nina Lopez Le Galliard, Charlotte Seeligmüller
Tour technician Saul Mombaerts, Bram Geldhof, Dries D'Hondt, Jannes Dierynck, Koen De Saeger
Assistant costumes Lieve Meeussen
Intern costumes Marion Thomasson
Intern P.U.L.S. Lisaboa Houbrechts

English language coach Helen McNamara
French language coach Anny Czupper
English translation Gregory Ball
French translation Anne Vanderschueren
German translation Rosi Wiegmann

A Needcompany production
In partnership with RIJEKA 2020 Llc. in the framework of Rijeka 2020 - European Capital of Culture, Croatian National Theatre “Ivan pl. Zajc”
Coproduction Ruhrtriennale, Festival Reims Scènes d'Europe, Concertgebouw Brugge, La Colline Paris
Copresentation Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Teatro Central de Sevilla, Kaaitheater Brussel, Toneelhuis Antwerpen, Malta festival Poznań, NTGent
Tax Shelter financing uFund nv, Melissa Thomas, Christel Simons
With the support of the Belgian Federal Government’s Tax Shelter and the Flemish authorities.

In 2014 Jan Lauwers met the Israeli elite soldier and war veteran Elik Niv who, following a serious accident and a long rehabilitation process, became a professional dancer. They had long discussions about his military operations and his development as a dancer in the safely subsidised world of the living arts in Germany. It was during these conversations that the bombs exploded at Zaventem airport and Maalbeek metro station.

All the good is a fictional self-portrait interwoven with autobiographical elements. There is Elik’s life on the one hand and Lauwers with Grace Ellen Barkey and their children in their house, an old bakery and workplace in the infamous district of Molenbeek, on the other.

All the good also tells the story of a young girl Romy, who is convinced that the world is good. During a trip through China, she meets the soldier Elik while she is vomiting in an alleyway after drinking snake’s blood. This meeting changes her life.

All the good is about loss and hope. A love story at a time in which Europe is sacrificing its values and a large group of people are succumbing to hate and incomprehension. The story of a family of artists with their everyday cares and the omnipresent death, which mercilessly imposes itself both in the seclusion of their home and in the outside world.

For the least well-off among us, identity is sometimes the only life-saver and the only form of self-respect. But it is a false image. It is a dishonest image and in the hands of nationalist forces it can become destructive. Artists must do all they can to make sure that their ‘poetics’ provide a powerful response to the all-devouring political suffocation we now find ourselves in. Brexit, Trump, Erdogan, the abuse of our planet, the terror of the expansion economy and the loss of solidarity all have to be tackled politically. But poetics have to take care of humanity. - Jan Lauwers

An exuberant and provocative piece - Fabienne Arvers (Les Inrockuptibles)

All the good is a uniquely beautiful experience, not unlike spending an evening at a long table having dinner with friends old and new. Everyone gets to have their say, no matter how unconventional. - Wiebke Hüster (Franfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)

Exuberant, bewildering but nevertheless delightful. All the good explores the complexity of the world. - Karin Fischer (Deutschlandfunk)

Jan Lauwers doesn't shy away from provocation. All the good is a rich and thought-provoking theatrical experience that tackles the big themes of art and life. - Peter Jungblut (Kulturwelt)

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Text, direction, set Jan Lauwers
Music Maarten Seghers
With Grace Ellen Barkey, Romy Louise Lauwers, Victor Lauwers, Jan Lauwers, Inge Van Bruystegem (replaces Sarah Lutz), Benoît Gob, Elik Niv, Jules Beckman, Simon Lenski, Maarten Seghers (replaces Yonier Camilo Mejia), George van Dam (replaces Elke Janssens)
Costumes Lot Lemm
Dramaturgy Elke Janssens
Lighting Design Ken Hioco, Jan Lauwers
Sound Ditten Lerooij
Production Management Marjolein Demey
Technical director, set Ken Hioco
Masks Lot Lemm, Benoît Gob 
Assistant technical director Tijs Michiels
Stage assistant Nina Lopez Le Galliard, Charlotte Seeligmüller
Tour technician Saul Mombaerts, Bram Geldhof, Dries D'Hondt, Jannes Dierynck, Koen De Saeger
Assistant costumes Lieve Meeussen
Intern costumes Marion Thomasson
Intern P.U.L.S. Lisaboa Houbrechts

English language coach Helen McNamara
French language coach Anny Czupper
English translation Gregory Ball
French translation Anne Vanderschueren
German translation Rosi Wiegmann

A Needcompany production
In partnership with RIJEKA 2020 Llc. in the framework of Rijeka 2020 - European Capital of Culture, Croatian National Theatre “Ivan pl. Zajc”
Coproduction Ruhrtriennale, Festival Reims Scènes d'Europe, Concertgebouw Brugge, La Colline Paris
Copresentation Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Teatro Central de Sevilla, Kaaitheater Brussel, Toneelhuis Antwerpen, Malta festival Poznań, NTGent
Tax Shelter financing uFund nv, Melissa Thomas, Christel Simons
With the support of the Belgian Federal Government’s Tax Shelter and the Flemish authorities.


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October 2021
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November 2021
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17 JulVienna ATImPulsTanz
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December 2022
16 DecLjubljana SICankarjev Dom
March 2023
24 MarMarseille FRThéâtre Joliette
25 MarMarseille FRThéâtre Joliette
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