25 Moves
© Maarten Vanden Abeele

With Grace Ellen Barkey, Misha Downey, Julien Faure, Nicolas Field, Yumiko Funaya, Benoît Gob, Sung-Im Her, Maarten Seghers, Elke Janssens, Jan Lauwers, Joeri Cnapelinckx, et al. 

A Needcompany and Vrijstaat O. production

For Dansand! the company is presenting a unique, one-off evening of dance and music that refers to its work over the past 25 years. 

25 MOVES is living proof that everything can be given a new meaning at any time. Not a reconstruction, not nostalgia, but a work that always seeks out new problems. In this instance, the soundtrack will be a rock concert, the dance will be undermined by the sand and the whole scene will meanwhile drown in the sea. All under the guidance of Grace Ellen Barkey and Maarten Seghers.

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With Grace Ellen Barkey, Misha Downey, Julien Faure, Nicolas Field, Yumiko Funaya, Benoît Gob, Sung-Im Her, Maarten Seghers, Elke Janssens, Jan Lauwers, Joeri Cnapelinckx, et al. 

A Needcompany and Vrijstaat O. production


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July 2012
01 Jul
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